Accurate Pulp Mill Consistency Measurement Required

samples taken from the defiberlizer
The graph above displays the actual
results from lab verification samples
taken from the defiberlizer.

Problem / Issue:
Pulp Mill Consistency Measurement Requires Accurate Measurement over a Wide Range of Consistency Levels.

The overall throughput (TPD) of the fiber line is traditionally calculated from a single consistency measurement device. This measurement must be accurate and repeatable.

TECO Solution:
C9700 Fixed Wing Consistency Sensor.

How the TECO Solution Solves The Problem...
The TECO C9700 Fixed Wing Consistency Sensor is designed to accurately measure over a wide consistency range, including low consistency swings from variations in blow tank levels. This sensor has proven consistency ranges from 1.5 % to 7.0%, over a wide range of velocity (flow) rates.

As an example, the above graph displays the results from a southern kraft pulp mill application, after the blow tank, prior to the defiberlizer.

  • Wide Consistency Range – accurate across a variety of consistency levels
  • Simple / Reliable Probe Design – no moving parts or maintenance issues
  • Stable Calibration and Excellent Repeatability – for complete consistency control

Who is it Important to?
  • Pulp Mill Superintendent
  • Bleach Plant Superintendent 
  • Process Control Engineer
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Instrument Superintendent