Showing posts with label Blancett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blancett. Show all posts

The Top 10 Fluid Flow Measurement Application Questions

Fluid Flow Measurement
Variable area flowmeter
Variable area flow meter (ABB)
Measurement of flow is essential for operation, control, and record keeping for chemical manufacturing, water treatment, oil and gas production, refining, and many other processes. The accurate and reliable measurement of flow is essential to ensuring the proper and efficient operation of any flow control loop. Various technologies such as Coriolis, differential pressure, vortex, magnetic, ultrasonic, turbine and positive displacement meters can be used to measure flow. All of these technologies have advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the differences can be the difference in a successful flow meter implementation or a failure.  Before the proper technology can be selected, there are 10 basic application question that must be answered. They are:
Severe service flow meter
Severe service flow meter
  1. Is the measured process media a liquid or a gas?
  2. Is the flow measurement occurring in a pipe or in an open channel?
  3. What is the the flow rate?
  4. How much does the flow vary?
  5. If liquid,  is it clean or does it contain suspended solids or air bubbles?
  6. What accuracy is required?
  7. How much head loss by the flowmeter is permissible? 
  8. Is the flow corrosive or erosive?
  9. What types of flowmeter technologies can be accommodated in the location?
  10. What types of post installation service is available in area?
Positive Displacement Meter
Positive Displacement Meter (Blancett)
Selecting and configuring a flow measurement device properly, and assuring that installation is done correctly, are necessary tasks to achieving optimal flow meter performance. Reach out to a flow meter specialist with your flow application. By combining your process knowledge with their product application expertise, an effective and long lasting solution will result.

For more information about any flow measurement application, contact Thompson Equipment. The can be reached by calling 800-528-8997 or by visiting